Some Plants Can Kill Your Pets

Written by Doris Donnerman (last updated February 17, 2009)

In summer camp all growing up, we all learned first aid basics and usually a part of those first aid tenets is a small section on poisonous plants and the like. So, we all know what plants are off limits for the human race, but hat about the plants that are off limits for your pets? The fact is that certain plants can kill your pets and you need to be aware of what those plants are.

The list of plants that are harmful for pets is actually much longer than the list for humans. Here is just a smattering of plants that can kill your pets:

  • Tulip, iris, daffodil bulbs, among several other flower bulbs
  • Hydrangeas and poinsettias
  • Onion plant and morning glories
  • Chinese evergreen, Devil's Ivy, and peace lily
  • Oleanders and rhododendrons
  • Avocado and Japanese Yew trees

This is only a handful of the plants that are really harmful to your pets. If you're unsure of what plants grow in your yard or if the plants you do have growing are harmful, then do some research and ask your veterinarian for any other bits of advice. The truth is, most dogs will have enough intuition to not eat those things that are bad for them, but if your dog is overzealous when it comes to landscaping greenery, then keep tabs on what you grow in your yard.

As long as you are educated about the basics of what is good and not-so-good for your pets, then chances are you'll be well equipped to keep your pets safe from poisonous plants!

You need to be aware of rhododendrons, Japanese yew trees, and lily of the valley flowers. Also, don't let your pet chew on pits from fruit trees. Some of them, such as peach and cherry pits, can make pets sick.

Author Bio

Doris Donnerman

Doris is a jack of all trades, writing on a variety of topics. Her articles have helped enlighten and entertain thousands over the years. ...


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