One of the hardest parts of becoming a pet owner is deciding on what pet you want to have in your home. When you are doing this, you are typically going to hear all kinds of advice from everyone under the sun as to what is going to make the perfect pet. Invariably, one of the pets that always seem to come up as a good choice is the iguana. "Do iguanas make good pets?" can be a difficult question for some people to answer. This should not be one that is made on the spur of the moment. That being said, there is some simple information that anyone should have to be able to make the proper decision.
Despite what many people may like to think, iguanas aren't exactly the easiest of pets to care for. If you are thinking ...
Discover More2013-02-06 17:00:09
I agree.......we have had 3 Iguana's. 1st one unfortunately our 8 yr. old forgot to shut the cage and our puppy tried to play with it. Result: RIP Iggy. We then got another and for a few years he was great. Then he became surly. A neighbor gave us her Iguana and unfortunately it was a female. I think Females are worse than the males ESPECIALLY during breeding. We had the last two for about 10 years. I was happy when they passed on. FYI...we kept them in a large cat cage with a tree limb and a large heat lamp. We also allowed them to roam the livingroom at times and they loved to climb the outer part of our brick fireplace.
When their nails got really long we started wearing gloves because they scratched the daylights out of our wrist area. My husband has scars to this day.
2013-01-25 13:02:38
jack sparrow
iguanas are good pets from what i heard
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