Most people don't think of livestock as pets. While these animals aren't always the cutest and cuddliest, they play an important part in our diet and can make great pets.
The tips in this section will provide some great information about the different livestock animals and how you can care for them.
Tips, Tricks, and Answers
The following articles are available for the 'Livestock' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.

Fly Repellent For Horses
Flies can be very irritating to your horses. There are a few simple ways to try to keep the flies away. These ways consist of homemade and different store-bought repellent techniques.
Making Your Own Fly Spray for Horses
If you're a horse owner, or even if you just ride horses, then you are well aware of the flies that can plague your horse. To improve the situation, make your own fly spray to help your horse ward off unwanted flies!
Stop Chickens Eating Their Eggs with Oyster Shells
If your chickens have the habit of eating their own eggs, you may be at a loss for what to do. You can actually try feeding your chickens oyster shells and help them combat, and consequently solve, the problem.
Stop Chickens Eating Their Eggs with Rotten Ones
If your chickens have the habit of eating their own eggs, you may be at a loss for what to do. You can actually try tricking your chickens into eating rotten eggs and then they'll not want to eat any eggs ever again!
Stop Chickens from Pecking Each Other
If you have chickens, you may have to deal with them pecking each other. This could be a manifestation of serious problems, and so here are a few ways in which you can better control your chicken situation.