I remember when my little siblings were toddlers and my parents had to give them medicine—it was horrid for all parties involved. The kid screams and shouts, the parents struggle to control and force the medicine down, and it's only ever chance that the medicine reaches its intended destination. So, if babies are so difficult when it comes to medication, it's only natural to assume that cats won't be too different. It's not completely impossible to give cats medicine with ease—it just takes the right tactic.
Tablets are the traditional medium for pet medication and honestly, that is one of the most difficult methods imaginable. You have to physically restrain the animal and then somehow manage to pry open its mouth and thrust the tablet down its throat. It's uncomfortable for all parties involved; there has to be another way. And fortunately for you and for your cat, there is another way.
If possible, order a liquid form of the medicine or make the tablet into a liquid form and then proceed to squirt the medicine onto the cat's coat. Cats are not huge fans of wet and so the cat will then proceed to lick the offending liquid away. The cat might not get all the medicine, but at least the cat will give itself the medicine. Another method with liquid medicine is to put the medicine in the cat's food—in the water, in the food, whatever works.
Medicine isn't fun for babies and it's not fun for cats either, so as a pet-owner, you need to find ways to effectively feed your cat its medicine. Try these simple tricks and you'll be pleasantly surprised!
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Discover More2012-01-24 11:40:49
R. A. Bluske
My cat needs liquid med. Couldn't hold her with one hand/arm and get it in her mouth. Fought repeatedly to wrap her in a bath towel without her slipping a front leg out. Finally got front legs held tightly in towel with only her head exposed. Then she played turtle and pulled her head down in the towel too. In absolute desperation I dribbled it on her front legs. That seems the only way I have any hope of getting any of the remaining liquid into her. Thank you for posting.
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