Pets aren't able to care for themselves for very long. If you have plans to be gone for a while, you'll need to make arrangements for them to be cared for or take them with you. Traveling with your pet doesn't have to be hard on you or your pet. This section of tips will give you some great ideas that will make the trip fun for everyone.
Teaching your pet to love the car and its carrier can save a lot of headaches and you'll find some tips here to help your pet with this process. There is also some information about flying with your pet. You'll learn how to plan your flights and what you can do to make their experience onboard pleasant.
Tips, Tricks, and Answers
The following articles are available for the 'Traveling' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.

Ask to Watch Your Pet Being Loaded in the Cargo Hold
Traveling with pets can be so stressful and that stress doesn't stop at you—it extends to your pet as well. If you're flying with your pets in the cargo hold, then you should watch your pet being loaded into the cargo hold.
Book Direct Flights when Traveling with a Pet
Traveling with pets can be so stressful and that stress doesn't stop at you—it extends to your pet as well. If you're flying with your pets in the cargo hold, then you should book direct flights.
Driving With Pets
It is common for many people to drive with their pets. If you are planning a trip, there are some tips to keep in mind when traveling with your pets. Make sure that you check with hotels before departure and double-check that you have the necessary equipment for your pet before leaving.
Fly Safely with Pug-Nosed Pets
Traveling with pets can be so stressful and that stress doesn't stop at you—it extends to your pet as well. If you have a pug-nosed pet, then you need to really check out the safety hazards and precautions you need to take to protect your cute little pug-nosed pet.
Flying With Pets
Flying can be very stressful for your pets. There are many different policies regarding pets on flights, so be sure to check with your airline before leaving for your trip. Health, carriers, papers and cost are the most important things to consider when deciding to take your pets on a flight.
Help Your Dog's Fear of Car Travel
If you've ever had to take a road trip with your dog, I'm sure you've experienced the frustration associated with such an endeavor. Taking your pet with you on car travels is often a frustrating experience, and so if you know the right tactics for helping your dog's fear of car travel, then you can have a much more enjoyable car ride!
Keep Your Pet Cool When Traveling
Whenever you travel with your pet in the car, you need to consider some other pet owner responsibilities. Keeping your pet cool is one of those things to consider and there are a few ways to ensure that.
Pack a Little Litter Tray When Traveling with Your Cat
Traveling with pets is never too much fun, but there are ways you can reduce the stress. You should pack a little litter tray when traveling with your cat, so you can get reduce that stress of being on the road!
Protect Pets from Thieves when In the Car
It's not too uncommon to see pets sitting in the car while their owners are off buying groceries or something of the like. However, you need to be careful because you need to protect your pet from thieves when in the car.
Put Ice Cubes in Your Pet Carrier
If you frequently travel with your pet, then chances are you have to deal with taking your pet with you in a carrier. Dealing with food and water when your pet is in a carrier can be a puzzling task, and so you can use ice cubes to simplify that issue!
Put Pet Pictures in Your Purse when Traveling
When you travel with or without your pet, you can't ever go wrong keeping a couple of pet pictures in your purse. There are actually a few advantages to doing so, and you'll be glad for whatever benefits you!
Should You Travel With or Kennel Your Pet?
If there is one situation that has the potential to create havoc with you, your pet, and possibly your pocketbook, it is traveling. Well if you are trying to decide whether you should travel with or kennel your pet, then you have come to the right place. Here are a few guidelines that you can use to help you make the right decision.
Some Airlines Allow Small Pets in the Cabin
When you travel with your pets, there are so many things to consider. Lessen your stress by checking out which airlines allow small pets in the cabin of the plane.
Teach Pets to Love the Car
Sometimes you either want or have to take your dog with you in the car, and your pet may not act so excited about it. Here are a couple of ways to help your pet love the car!
Train Your Pet to Love Its Carrier
If you frequently travel with your pet, then chances are you have to deal with taking your pet with you in a carrier. If your pet doesn't really like its carrier, then there are a few things you can do to train your pet to love its carrier, thus making all travel so much easier!