Making Your Cat's Life Happier
Cats aren't my favorite animal and I'd prefer a dog, but something to say for cats is that they're a pretty low key kind of pet and there are just a few things you should keep in mind regarding your pet ownership. The more you understand about your cat, the better you'll be able to take care of it.
- Cats are nocturnal and will pester you to be let outside at night (unless they live entirely indoors and have been neutered). To make sure you are able to sleep uninterrupted, fit a cat flap to a door which gives access to the outside.
- In winter, cats like to snuggle up in a warm place, such as a car engine. You might save your pet's life by banging on the bonnet or pressing the horn before starting up. You also might just want to restrict your cat's access to garage. A dead cat found in the hood of your car is nasty.
- Cats shed (like many dogs) and to reduce or semi-prevent that shedding, try running a damp cloth along your cat's coat to pick up shedding hair.
- A pine log or plank makes a good scratching post. For toys, try aluminum foil crushed into a ball, ping-pong balls, old knotted socks, paper bags, empty cotton reels and plastic pill bottles filled with rice.
- Avoid string, thread, wool and rubber bands - your cat may swallow' them.
- A clean cardboard box can serve as a cat bed. Cut an opening into one side for easy access. Then for comfort and warmth, line the box with a pillow, blanket or towel.
- If you have trouble getting your cat to swallow a pill, coat it with butter first. If the medicine is liquid, use an eyedropper to squirt it down its throat.
- To keep your cat from licking or biting at its wounds, isolate its head by securing a circular cardboard collar around its neck.
So cats aren't that complicated to own—it just takes attentiveness to detail and a bit of patience. Cats don't require a lot of time, but they do require simple things that, if you just do them and pay attention, don't take up a lot of time and can greatly simplify your cat ownership.
Author Bio
Doris Donnerman
Doris is a jack of all trades, writing on a variety of topics. Her articles have helped enlighten and entertain thousands over the years. Learn more about Doris...
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