Stop Puppies from Chewing Carpet and Furniture

Written by Doris Donnerman (last updated February 17, 2009)


Puppies are so cute! It melts the heart to see a cute little puppy ready to be cuddled and held, but having a new puppy in the home can be a bit of an adventure. Do you have a new puppy in the home? Are you now wondering if you have done the right thing as you watch your puppy is chewing everything in sight? After the initial puppy love has worn off, you may be second guessing your decision to buy a puppy in the first place. Dispose of those feelings as you protect your furniture and carpet, and regain that love back for your puppy by following these simple tips.

Something you can do to help prevent your puppy from chewing what it isn't supposed to, is to be sure it has its own rubber toys. If your puppy has its own toys and is taught that those are its toys, then you should have less of a problem getting your puppy to stop chewing on your furniture. If your puppy is an excessive chewer and you're having a hard time deterring that chewing, try putting a little oil of cloves on the wood. The odor should keep him away; if not, the bitter taste will.

Something to recognize as you go about training your dog and protecting your possessions, is that puppies do need to chew something. When you take away something that you don't want chewed (e.g. the furniture), you will need to replace that for your dog's sake.

By all means, use the revolting taste and smell trick, but you must replace the door frames and shoes and furniture with suitable items like toys, and specially made dog bones. (Do remember, that regular bones are not good for dogs, and so you need to check with your vet to find out what is good and acceptable.) Something else that is great for puppies is a pig's ear chew toy. This can be found in any pet aisle and will surely satiate your puppy's need to chew.

Your puppy won't feel the need to chew things forever, but you do need to take the initiative and teach your dog that chewing the furniture is not acceptable. By taking these steps to train your dog and steer its chewing tendencies elsewhere, you'll be saving yourself a lot of grief, and you'll be setting you and your family up for enjoying your dog for years to come!

Author Bio

Doris Donnerman

Doris is a jack of all trades, writing on a variety of topics. Her articles have helped enlighten and entertain thousands over the years. ...


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What is nine minus 1?

2020-05-04 11:35:34

Janis Rogers

She bites me until I bleed ! she has torn my shower curtain down ! Eats cover off balls ! Has chew toys and bones! grabs everything I have that she can reach and runs from me like its a game. I have a hard time holding her as she bites me in the face! This is a 4 month old Cockapoo Puppy. HELP, Help! I My nerves are shattered. I really love her !!!!

2017-07-01 18:59:59

Suzy Sims

Hi, my cockapoo puppy is 3 months (going on 4 months) old and I understand that cockapoos love to chew on furniture and wood, etc. Well, I have been working with him on "no biting" people and he is beginning to get better while also he should be growing out of it by now anyway. However, he has now turned to a new habit that I have noticed for 2 days. He flips up my bedroom rug and pulls out the yarn, leaving a wad of stringy mess only for me to cut off and throw away. Usually I put him in the kennel while I do this, wait about a minute, and let him back out and direct him back to his own toy. He also however is chewing the fabric part of my sitting chair which is directly above the area where he rips the yarn from the carpet. So far, to direct his attention to stop, I have used a method suggested by my mom that she learned from a tv show, to shake a jar of coins. I have to do this before putting him in the kennel so that he pays attention to me. Is it normal for a puppy to begin chewing the furniture and everything after getting out of the stage of biting his owner and people? He does have all of his teeth now and is still teething. Thank you!