Dog Training
Dogs can be playful and goofy, but at the same time, annoying and loud. One important part of owning a dog is training it properly so that it doesn't destroy your property or hurt your friends.
This section of tips will give you great ideas for helping your dog learn some manners. You'll find ways to keep a dog from chasing you, teach your dog not to jump on guests, and some ideas to keep your dog from barking.
Tips, Tricks, and Answers
The following articles are available for the 'Dog Training' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.

Crate Training Your Dog
Crate training your dog is a long process, taking anywhere from several weeks to several months. There are a few steps to keep in mind when crate training and housebreaking your dog. Once you have successfully crate trained your puppy, you will love the benefits!
Dealing with Aggressive Dogs
Dogs can be intimidating and especially when they are aggressive. If confronted with an aggressive dog, you need to know how to handle yourself and what to do.
Get a Puppy Settled with a White Noise Machine
When a new puppy comes into your home, it can sometimes shake the household. Puppies take a lot of your time, and that time is used for the puppy to acclimate to its new home. If your puppy is having a hard time sleeping, then try using a white noise machine to help it sleep easier.
Help a Puppy to Sleep with a Hot Water Bottle
When a new puppy comes into your home, it can sometimes shake the household. Puppies take a lot of your time, and that time is used for the puppy to acclimate to its new home. If your puppy is having a hard time sleeping, then try using a hot water bottle to help it sleep easier.
Help Your Dog's Fear of Car Travel
If you've ever had to take a road trip with your dog, I'm sure you've experienced the frustration associated with such an endeavor. Taking your pet with you on car travels is often a frustrating experience, and so if you know the right tactics for helping your dog's fear of car travel, then you can have a much more enjoyable car ride!
Keep Pets Off of Countertops
Your pets may be a part of the family, but they do need boundaries, and as a pet owner, that is part of your responsibility. For the safety of your pets and your family's health, keep the pets off of the countertops.
Stop Dogs from Barking with a Tin Can
Barking dogs can be loud and annoying, and sometimes you just need them to stop. However, what you try doesn't always work, so here's another idea. Use a tin can to quiet your dog and stop it from barking.
Stop Puppies from Chewing Carpet and Furniture
While puppies are unbelievingly adorable, they do have their not-so-great behaviors. If you have a puppy and are fed up with it chewing on the carpet and furniture, here are some ways to stop that behavior, so you can more fully enjoy your dog!
Stop Your Pet from Drinking Toilet Water
It's a common stereotype for pets to drink toilet water, but let's face it: that's annoying behavior. If your pet does drink out of the toilet, then here are a couple of ways you can stop that.
Stopping a Dog from Chasing You
While usually comical in the movies, a good dog chase may not be so humorous in real life. If you are caught in a situation where you are being chased my dogs, you want to make sure you know what to do.
Train Your Dog Not to Jump on Guests
Chances are, whenever you have guests over, you are excited to see them; if you have a dog, chances are it is at least as or even more excited than you are. While the excitement from your dog can be appreciated, you and your guests don't want it jumping up on the guests. Learn how to train your dog to not jump up on your guests and make for a much more comfortable situation all around.
Use a Ticking Clock to Get a Puppy to Sleep
When a new puppy comes into your home, it can sometimes shake the household. Puppies take a lot of your time, and that time is used for the puppy to acclimate to its new home. If your puppy is having a hard time sleeping, then try using a ticking clock to help it sleep easier.
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