Crate training your dog is beneficial to you and your dog in many ways. Providing your dog with a crate provides him or her a den-like feeling. Crate training is also a good way to housebreak your dog. Since dogs do not like soiling their sleeping areas, crate training is an excellent way to train your dog to its sleeping quarters and housebreaking. To crate train your dog, follow these simple steps:
- Your Dog Meets Its Crate. The best place to put your dog's crate is in a room that has a lot of activity. Choose a room that people spend a lot of time in so that your dog will not feel lonely and abandonded in a secluded room. When you show your dog the crate, speak in a happy tone of voice. The crate must always be associated with pleasure and not a form of punishment. Encourage your dog to get inside the crate. Do not force your dog into the crate or you will scare him or her, making this step take longer. Be patient. On average, this step could take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.
- Dinner In The Den. Once your dog is comfortable getting inside the crate and does not seem to be startled or stressed, you can start placing his or her meals inside the crate. As soon as your dog is comfortable eating inside the crate, you can start shutting the door as he or she eats its dinner. Reward your dog with a treat after its meals inside the crate. Try leaving your dog in its crate for a few minutes after it has finished eating. This will help your dog get used to being shut in its crate.
- Longer Time Is Mighty Fine. After your dog is comfortable getting in and eating regular meals inside his or her crate, you can start leaving your dog in its crate for longer periods of time. This will help you have peace of mind if you leave the house for a few hours. You can start having your dog sleep inside its crate at night as well.
- Potty Train The Puppy. Now that your dog is comfortable sleeping, eating and spending time inside its crate, it is now time to housebreak your dog. After successfully completing steps one, two and three, it will be much easier to crate train your dog. Dogs do not like to soil their eating and sleeping quarters, so they will know to not soil their crate. Keep your dog inside its crate for awhile during the day. Take your dog out of its crate every hour or so. Take your dog outside to see if he or she needs to eliminate waste. If it does, reward your dog with a treat for going outside. If your dog does not need to go, just put them back in the crate until the next hour. Once you have given your dog a treat for going outside, play with him or her or let it run around your house for the next hour. Repeat this process until you feel your dog is trusted enough to eliminate outside.
If you find any accidents in your house while crate training, do not punish your dog. It will learn, it just takes time and effort to get this process down. Just keep repeating the process and be patient. Remember that crate training your dog could take a very long time. Be patient with your dog as it learns to be crate trained. It is not a simple process and it does take a lot of time and effort on your part. However, once your dog is properly crate trained, you will be glad you did it!
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