Cats are interesting creatures. They've never been my favorite, but for some people, cats can really do the trick. I've noticed a few features of cats that I find interesting: they are often reserved in who they hang around and allow to pet them, they generally do whatever they please, and they can be pretty sneaky when they want to be. If you have a cat, I'm sure you can confirm these generalizations. Something else about cats is that they can move fast, and especially when startled or scared, they can move like lightening. If your cat starts to bolt in an emergency situation, here are a few ideas of how you can catch your cat quickly.
Because cats can bolt so quickly, you need to set up barriers or boundaries for your cat. If you let your cat go anywhere at anytime, it might be virtually impossible to catch your cat quickly should an emergency pop up. So, if at all possible, keep a little gate in front of areas where you don't want your cat to go, and you should also remember to keep the doors to certain rooms, closets, and areas closed, if you don't want your cat having access to those areas. By restricting the places your cat can run to, you're already making it easier to catch your cat quickly in case of an emergency.
Crate training your cat s just a good idea anyway, but it's especially a good one in an emergency. If you have your crate nearby, when your cat starts to bolt, you can quickly maneuver so that the cat has no choice but to run into the crate. Keep your crate next to the door, or other area leading somewhere else, and if your cat starts to make a run for it, you can hold up the crate and catch the cat in the crate as it's trying to escape.
Probably the most effective and practical way, however, you can catch your cat quickly in an emergency, is just to act quickly. If you anticipate your cat running off in a blur, catch it before it does so. Once the cat is off and running, it's going to be hard to catch it in a timely manner, so you need to think ahead and catch your cat before it gets really going.
Emergencies crop up all the time, and sometimes it's hard to know what to do. If you already have a plan in place for getting the cat however, that's one less thing you have to cross off your list, and you'll be more prepared for those unexpected emergencies!
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Discover More2015-01-29 06:25:22
Bill Mihalovits
The "little gate" comment is a dead giveaway that you've never owned a cat. Cats are excellent jumpers and nothing but a closed door is going to keep them out of a room or area.
As for catching the cat, most of your hints are pretty useless. Cats are not only fast but exceedingly agile and aren't going into a crate unless they want to.
If your cat likes to sit in your lap, put a towel on it first and then call them to you. Once they've settled in, roll them up in the towel and put it in the carrier.
If sitting isn't an option, try to approach the cat quietly. Stoke it a few times to calm it, then hold it by the nap of the neck and again use the towel trick.
Most cats have a favorite treat or food. If you can use that to get them into the crate, you've got it. But many will be too wary for that. Try putting the food or treat in a bathroom or even a large closet and then step away a few feet. When the cat goes in, go in yourself quietly and close the door. Let the cat calm down and start eating and then use a towel to cover the cat. Roll it up gently in the towel and then put cat and all into the carrier.
Even in an emergency, cats usually want to be comforted. Move slowly, talk calmingly, and make no sudden moves and you're more likely to be successful.
2013-08-05 08:35:40
When it's Vet time I put the cat carrier out and open.Then I go behind my cat and catch her with a towel. That way you also don't get clawed!
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