One of the least expensive ways to get a pet is through pet adoption. It doesn't matter what type of pet you are looking for, chances are you are going to be able to find the pet you are looking for through some type of adoption service. Basically, when you are adopting a pet through available adoption services you are saving their life. On average, animals are only kept at the typical animal shelter for a few short weeks, and then they are put down. This may seem inhumane to some, but the only reason why this goes on is because there is not enough room or funds for all the lost and needy pets in the country.
Before you begin looking into the adoption of a pet though, keep in mind that what you are doing is in essence adopting another family member. You are going to want to approach this carefully and with full knowledge of the animal's history. Take the time to watch and gauge the interaction between all members of your family, and the prospective pet. Be sure that you do not use only a single visit to determine this, as behavior patterns may only become apparent over an extended time.
Below are some of the different resources available for being able to adopt pets. Feel free to use these as a starting point towards finding the next member of your family.
- Humane Society. This is the traditional, and probably the single best, source for pet adoptions. This group is easily located in the phone book (usually under "Humane Society" or maybe "Animal Shelter). The Humane Society is the most similar in process and execution to a child adoption agency. These guys usually require a minimum of two different visits, with all members of the family, and give you a complete history of your new pet, while also requiring that your pet has its initial shots within 48 to 72 hours. Pets of all shapes and sizes are housed in Humane Society shelters; everything from dogs and cats to iguanas and fish.
- Stores. It is possible to adopt pets from pet stores, instead of buying them. Now, by pet store I am talking about stores that cater to pets, not the ones that sell them. Take a look at such stores as PetSmart, and Petco. There are usually specific days of the week that they hold adoption fairs, in conjunction with reputable animal shelters. Again, these agencies are going to cover everything from dogs and cats, to the more exotic. Usually, these agencies are not as stringent as the Humane Society.
- Online. Finally, you can always look online. However, when looking online for pets that need to be adopted, be very careful in what information you give out. Keep in mind that basic internet security is still a good idea, even if you are looking to get a new feathered friend (or scaly depending on your tastes).
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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