Have you ever noticed just how difficult it can be to try and catch a cat? For some reason, whenever we want to catch them, they feel the perverse need to run off and hide, and they are pretty dang quick too. It is for this reason, more than any other, that quickly catching cats can easily seem to be something of an exercise in futility. However, there are a few tricks and methods that you can use to get things moving along though.
- Get down to their level. This means that you actually get down on the level of the cat, and try to play some mind games. Physically get down on your hands and knees, and do your best to look your cat in the eye. When you do catch the eye of your cat, look away to one of the sides, and then blink. For many cats, looking straight into the eye is a sign of aggression and can be somewhat intimidating. By moving slowly closer, periodically looking at the cat, and then away, you can kinda fool them into thinking that you are up to something else than trying to catch them. When you are within easy arms reach, simply grab your feline friend carefully, and take them where you want them to be.
- Use tried and true methods. Another way to try and catch a cat quickly is by using some tried and true methods. What this means is that you simply try using the "Here, kitty, kitty, kitty," method. It may sound (and look) a bit silly, but it does work. Granted, it works best when you do it regularly, so you may need to train your cat a bit to know that you mean it should be coming to you right away. That being said, given time it will work.
- Bribery can work. A fairly effective method or trick for capturing a cat is to try bribery. Using your cat's favorite treat (such as fish) you could very easily coax a feline towards you, When the cat begins eating the food in your hand, or near by you, then you can casually grab it up. This method does require that you use a bit of patience though, otherwise you can easily scare off a cat when it is trying to get close to you.
- Humane traps as a last resort. As an absolute last resort, you can always try to use one of those humane traps that some people use for pests and rodents. They have some that are large enough for a cat, and all you would need to do is place the appropriate bait into the trap, and keep an eye out. Remember to check the trap frequently, so that the cat won't be in there for too long. This particular method works best when you are trying to catch a cat that is outside.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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