Just because birds are often kept in cages doesn't mean that you won't ever run into the problem of them getting loose. Luckily, most of the time this will take place within the home, so you don't really need to worry all that much. But if you do run into a situation where the bird managed to get outside, the same general methods for quickly catching birds will apply. While each of these could work by themselves, it is always best to use several methods in conjunction to ensure that you are catching your birds as quickly as possible.
- Be careful. While it can be a bit stressful (and possibly scary) for you to see your pet bird out of the cage, and flying around the house, you need to keep calm. The main reason for this is that when people get stressed out they tend to act without really thinking, and this can end up causing the bird some damage if you aren't careful. In addition, many pets can pick up on the moods of their owners, and this can in turn make the bird more anxious than it probably already is.
- Leave the cage open. Oftentimes birds will like to return to what they consider their home if they are left to their own devices. In addition, if they feel threatened enough, they may actually seek sanctuary there. Either way, while you are trying to catch your bird, you should leave the door open on the cage. This way, if you are not able to catch the bird yourself, there is the chance that it will return to the cage on its own.
- Set a "trap." Another way that you can entice the bird to return home is to place some if its favorite food or even treats inside the cage. The scent of the food should entice the bird to return as soon as possible. One way to maximize the effectiveness of this method is to also place some of the treats in another location. That way you double the chances of being able to catch the bird.
- Use a net. A fairly effective method for being able to catch a loose pet bird quickly is by using a net. While you may feel a little silly hunting around for a bird while carrying a butterfly net, it is a method that will work. Just be careful when you use the net that you don't accidentally harm the bird in the process.
- Get some help. The absolute quickest way of catching a bird is to ensure that you have a friend help you out. Not only will this allow you to cover more ground at once, it will improve the odds of someone catching the bird. If you want, you can use more than one friend, but don't use so many that you end up getting in each other's way.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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