Dog Grooming
A dog's good looks aren't always natural. They need special care and grooming to keep their coat looking its best. Knowing what you need to take care of and how to do it can make the difference in how your dog looks and feels.
This section of tips can help you keep your dog well groomed. You'll find ideas about giving your dog a dry bath, a wet bath, and how to keep shampoo out of his eyes. There is also some tips to help you keep your dog smelling good.
Tips, Tricks, and Answers
The following articles are available for the 'Dog Grooming' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.

Brushing Your Dog's Teeth
Brushing your dog's teeth doesn't have to be an expensive or traumatic ordeal. If you know what to do and this is how you can do that. Simply take a look.
Caring for Your Dog's Fur or Hair
Dog ownership is a major responsibility, and you need to be on top of all the facets of dog care. Looking after your dog's fur or hair is one of those responsibilities, and you should make sure you're doing everything necessary.
Chase Bad Smells from Your Dog
Dogs can pick up smells from anywhere, and especially all combined together, those smells are most unpleasant. Here's how to chase bad smells away from your dog.
Clean Your Dog's Teeth with Baking Soda
Dog oral hygiene is important, but not always fun to maintain. You can try baking soda to deep clean your dog's teeth, and even ease up the process!
Cleaning Dog Teeth
Cleaning dog teeth isn't exactly like cleaning your teeth in the morning. At least, it isn't without a whole lot of preparation and work. If you are interested in learning how to really clean your dog's teeth, and not give them 'cleaning treats' all the time simply follow these directions.
Cleaning Your Dog's Ears with Vinegar
Dog ears inevitably get dirty, and as a pet owner, it's your responsibility to clean them. Try using some vinegar next time you clean your dog's ears, and you could be surprised!
Does Your Dog Shed Hair?
Many dogs shed hair, and I believe it is one of the burdens of pet ownership. If stray dog hair everywhere drives you up the wall, here are a few ways to deal with it.
File Your Dog's Nails
Just like our nails, dogs' nails need to be cut. While you do need to keep an eye on your dog's nails, you should actually file them over cutting them. The results will definitely benefit your dog!
Give Your Dog a Cool Haircut
You may be sick of paying the groomer to cut your dog's hair, so you take over that responsibility! Before you grab the scissors however, there are a few things to keep in mind for your dog's safety.
Give Your Dog a Dry Bath
Even if you bathe your dog regularly, your dog will pick up dirt and get dirty in between (hence the regular bath times). To make a dirty situation less dirty, you can try giving your dog dry baths in between the wet ones, to keep it fresh and less dirty!
Giving Your Dog a Bath
Dog baths are without a doubt one of the messiest, wettest, and most frustrating things you could encounter in your interim as a dog owner. Here are some tips and hints for minimizing the dog bath mess and frustration.
Home Dog Grooming
While it is nice to take your dog out to the groomer's every so often, it can also be fairly expensive. Instead, why not learn how to do some home dog grooming? It's not all that hard, and it will definitely help you to save some money.
Keep Shampoo Out of Your Dog's Eyes
When you wash your dog, it's not exactly easy, and your dog isn't exactly easy to deal with. Sometimes it's inevitable that the shampoo will drip into the dog's eyes, but if you try some of these ideas, you might be able to prevent some of that!
Learn the Best Way to Wash a Dog
Washing a dog can definitely be an adventure, and a messy and wet one at that. You need to wash your dog, but if you want to avoid the hubbub of the situation, then all you need to do is prepare.
Removing Tear Stains from Pet Fur
Have you ever noticed how the most beautiful light-furred animals have a tendency to get stains around their eyes? If you would like to know how to remove those stains, and prevent their returning, here's how you do it.