When it comes to caring for your pet spider, there are a few things you can do. In general, spiders are very easy to care for as pets. However, they do require some maintenance in order to keep them healthy. Here is a list of a few things to keep in mind when caring for your pet.
- Housing. I find that plastic tanks are best for housing a spider. Glass tanks can overheat easier if placed in too much sunlight. Provide your spider with plenty of foliage inside its cage and one or two hiding spots for it as well. There should also be a shallow dish of water inside your spider's tank. Be sure that your spider's tank is well enclosed and secure as spiders are excellent at escaping small spaces.
- Feeding. General feedings of your spider consist of crickets. In larger spiders, such as the Chile Rose, pinky mice are a good meal on occasion. Sometimes a spider will stop eating for weeks or months at a time. If this happens to your spider, don't panic. However, be sure to remove any uneaten food inside its tank as it can be harmful to your spider.
- Moulting. Moulting is when your spider sheds its old exoskeleton and forms a new one. When your spider is young, it will moult quite often. As the spider gets older, it may moult less and less or not at all. Some spiders continue to moult for the rest of their lives. Once a spider sheds its old skeleton, it has to form a new one. While this is taking place it is best to not disturb or handle your spider.
- Handling. Some spiders are not good to be handled, while others can be handled often. However, most spiders do not like to be handled for long periods of time so be sure to handle your spider as little as possible. Remember that even a short drop (1 to 2 inches) can kill your spider, so be careful when handling.
- Stress. There are a couple things that can stress out your spider. Take caution about each of these in order to keep your spider at ease. Only clean your spider's cage twice a year. Cleaning its tank more often than that will stress out your spider. When your spider is moulting, do not disturb it, this may also cause stress.
In general, spiders are very easy to care for and do not require much attention from you. Be sure to keep these tips in mind when you own a spider and watch out for any signs of stress. Remember these simple tips and suggesting and you will have a healthy pet!
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