Cats are generally more resistant than dogs when it comes to taking medication. However, there are some methods you can try to give your cat its medication without frightening or stressing it out. Always read the label on your pet's medication before attempting any of the following tips. It is important to know the dosage of medication required, and the intake requirements. Some medications can only be taken on an empty stomach, while others must be taken with food.
If you have a medication that can be taken with food, check with your veterinarian to see if you can place the medication in your cat's food. Putting the medication in your pet's food is the simplest way to get it to take its medicine. If it is okay for you to put the medication in your cat's food, follow these steps:
If your cat must take its medication on an empty stomach, follow these simple steps:
Once you get used to giving your cat its medication, you will become more familiar with the idea and be more confident in your approach. If you fail at these attempts, keep trying. It can be very difficult to give your cat its medication, but keep at it.
Have you ever noticed how you can almost always tell when you enter a house that has a cat? While it may be nice to think ...
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Discover More2015-01-07 17:42:56
Equipment: large bath towel, extra human helper, buttered tablet, Bic Ballpoint pen (buttered blunt end), optional teaspoon of water/eyedropper of water
Wrap cat in large bath towel, with neck tightly wrapped;
Get friend to hold wrapped cat, with cat head facing towards your right, tail end to left;
Left hand: draw over cat's head, to the left, sweeping down whiskers, hold head with whiskers back;
Right hand, middle finger nail: press/hold down on front teeth and hold mouth open, whilst squeezing jaw open gently with left hand thumb and middle finger;
Right hand, thumb and index finger: pop tablet into back of cat tongue;
right hand:
Tap tablet towards throat with buttered BLUNT end of Bic Ballpoint Pen.
Optional extra: add a few drops of water to tongue.
Let go of cat and feed yummy smelly tinned cat food.
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